Support Sputnik Theatre

Sputnik relies on donations from Trusts, Foundations, corporate and individual sponsors – and we acknowledge support of our donors in all written material relating to the supported projects (except where we are asked to treat the donations as anonymous).

To donate, please make an online bank transfer or send a cheque in the post:

By bank transfer, to Sputnik Theatre Company, Co-op Bank, Account: 6535625200
Sort: 089299, IBAN: GB45 CPBK 0892 9965 3562 52, BIC CPBK GB22

By postal cheque made out to Sputnik Theatre Company and sent to the following address: Sputnik Theatre Company c/o Goldblatts, 171-173 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8UE

Thank you for donating to us.

From 2009, Sputnik registered as a limited, not-for-profit company, number 06873417, accountable to Companies House, an executive agency of Her Majesty’s Government.

From 2010, Sputnik registered as a Charity, number 1134437, accountable to the Charity Commission of Great Britain.

  • About Us

    Sputnik is a British theatre company dedicated to sourcing, translating and producing new Russian drama for British audiences.

    There are several strands to Sputnik's work including:
    - producing new Russian plays in the UK
    - programming and organising the Russian Theatre Festival in London
    - developing Russian playwriting through commissions and exchanges
    - outreach work bringing drama to disadvantaged young people
    - cultural events with Russian literature and music

    Why Russia?
    Russia has a history of theatrical innovation. Russian playwrights have played a significant role in shaping modern European theatre.

    Contemporary playwriting in Russia has been going through an important and innovative period since 1991 with a prolific output by predominantly young dramatists.

  • Support Theatre Company