Coming soon… FAM! An original hip-hop drama

This year Sputnik Theatre Company – in collaboration with Slanguages (Birmingham City University) and Creative Multilingualism (University of Oxford) – launches an original hip-hop drama, FAM, as an online film, exploring notions of black British identity, urban music and racial injustice. In this blog, I explain how this project was conceived – and how we pivoted from an experimental translation into an original playwriting commission after a couple of set-backs in 2019/2020.

When set-backs are an opportunity in disguise – read the full blog post by clicking here.

  • About Us

    Sputnik is a British theatre company dedicated to sourcing, translating and producing new Russian drama for British audiences.

    There are several strands to Sputnik's work including:
    - producing new Russian plays in the UK
    - programming and organising the Russian Theatre Festival in London
    - developing Russian playwriting through commissions and exchanges
    - outreach work bringing drama to disadvantaged young people
    - cultural events with Russian literature and music

    Why Russia?
    Russia has a history of theatrical innovation. Russian playwrights have played a significant role in shaping modern European theatre.

    Contemporary playwriting in Russia has been going through an important and innovative period since 1991 with a prolific output by predominantly young dramatists.

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